














    续 sustain

    滋瓷 support

    长者 elder

    幼稚 naive

    批判 criticize

    学习 learn

    江 river

    激动 exited

    谦虚 modesty


    钦点 appointed by authority

    连任 serve another consecutive term

    西方记者 estern journalist

    明确地告诉你 tell you explicitly

    没听说过 never heard of it

    基本法 basic

    报道偏差 biased report

    负责任 be responsible for

    搞个大新闻 make a fsh-nes

    人生的经验 life experience

    见的多了 have seen a lot

    太年轻 too young

    太简单 too simple

    有时幼稚 sometimes na?ve

    得罪了你们一下 have offended you this time

    工程制图 engineering draing

    鸭嘴笔 ruling pen

    申请成为教授 apply for professor

    做了些微小的贡献 have done a fe humble services


    无中生有 out of thin air

    无可奉告 have no ment to make

    另请高明 find someone more qualified than myself

    谈笑风生 talk cheerfully and humorously

    身经百战 have stood the test of many battles

    闷声发大财 make a fortune quietly


    i ill do hatever it takes to serve my country even at the cost of my on life, regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself.</p>
